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IBMS Body Art (Tattoo) Course on Blood-borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases for State Licensure/Registration... $129
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Online Certificate Registration Sign up Now
- This in-depth course is a comprehensive tattoo/cosmetic tattoo/permanent makeup/body artist specific accredited IBMS Tattoo Course on Blood-Borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases.
- A certificate of completion documenting (70%) passage of the accredited IBMS Course on Blood-Borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases will be provided to the tattoo/cosmetic tattoo/permanent makeup artist.
Check IBMS Course Approval Status for U.S States/Territories
States accepting OSHA compliant course/Florida accredited course are APPROVED.
California Body Artists should confirm accreditation of IBMS Body Art Course with local county for California state registration before registering for course. [Stanislaus County/Approved]
Recognized by State of California Department of Public Health as a Continuing Education Accreditation Agency for Registered Environmental Health Specialists. (REHS).
Upgrade to IBMS Body Art (Tattoo) Certification
Enhance Credibility and Visibility as a Body Artist
By passing the IBMS online industry specific course on Blood-borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases, you'll receive the passage certificate required for state licensure or registration and/or annual renewal of licensure or registration of body artists, including tattoo artists, cosmetic tattoo artists, permanent makeup artists and piercers.
Then kick your credentials up a notch by becoming an IBMS certified member of the International Board of Medicine and Surgery.
- FREE Annual IBMS Body Art Course on Blood-Borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
- License to use IBMS certification mark on your advertising and marketing materials.
- Real-time validation that you are a member in good standing.
- Inclusion in IBMS membership databases
- Drives traffic to your website with hard links, helping to increase your Google Page Rank.
- Prospective customers can search IBMS membership list to find you.
- Internationally recognized standard of excellence adds prestige to your practice.

* Requires annual renewal/maintenance of certification